Dr. Gary Habermas Has "Highly Recommended" My Counter-Apologetics Book to His PhD Students
Gary Habermas is an evidentialist, one who believes the evidence shows both that Jesus arose from the dead and that God exists. He's presently working on 5000 pages of text for his magnum opus containing "almost all new material on the resurrection". He also teaches at Liberty University in the School of Divinity. This semester he's teaching the PhD class APOL 910—Apologetic Methodology and he told me he has "highly recommended" my book, How to Defend the Christian Faith: Advice from an Atheist to his students. He requires his students to read 1000 pages for this class and my book is on the list of recommended books. Just saying!
He joins others who recommend it:
--In this book Loftus provides some insightful criticisms of arguments by Christian thinkers, including those having to do with the problem of evil. -- Chad Meister, Professor of philosophy at Bethel College and author of numerous apologetic works, including Evil: A Guide for the Perplexed.
--For years I have despaired about the sorry state of Christian apologetics, and even sorrier state of Christian apologists. If there be Christian truth, it lies beyond the reach of rational inquiry, and perhaps that is OK. In How to Defend the Christian Faith,Image removed by sender. John Loftus lays waste to a colosseum full of bad arguments, including my own tentative efforts at the problem of evil. (Loftus says I am “ignorant” but less ignorant than Ken Ham, which was a relief.) Believers should read Loftus’s engaging assault on their intellectual champions. They will be dismayed at how often they agree. I know I was." --Karl Giberson is Scholar-in-Residence in Science & Religion at Stonehill College, and author of Saving the Original Sinner: How Christians Have Used the Bible's First Man to Oppress, Inspire, and Make Sense of the World.
--I don’t know anyone who can match the high definition clarity of John Loftus when it comes to navigating the labyrinthine world of Christian evangelical apologetics for the general public. This is a relentless and incisive critique of the pseudo-scholarship that passes for genuine intellectual inquiry under the name of Christian apologetics.” —Dr. Hector Avalos, Professor of Religious Studies, Iowa State University; author, The End of Biblical Studies, Slavery, Abolitionism, and the Ethics of Biblical Scholarship, and his most recent one, The Bad Jesus: The Ethics of New Testament Ethics.
He joins others who recommend it:
--In this book Loftus provides some insightful criticisms of arguments by Christian thinkers, including those having to do with the problem of evil. -- Chad Meister, Professor of philosophy at Bethel College and author of numerous apologetic works, including Evil: A Guide for the Perplexed.
--For years I have despaired about the sorry state of Christian apologetics, and even sorrier state of Christian apologists. If there be Christian truth, it lies beyond the reach of rational inquiry, and perhaps that is OK. In How to Defend the Christian Faith,Image removed by sender. John Loftus lays waste to a colosseum full of bad arguments, including my own tentative efforts at the problem of evil. (Loftus says I am “ignorant” but less ignorant than Ken Ham, which was a relief.) Believers should read Loftus’s engaging assault on their intellectual champions. They will be dismayed at how often they agree. I know I was." --Karl Giberson is Scholar-in-Residence in Science & Religion at Stonehill College, and author of Saving the Original Sinner: How Christians Have Used the Bible's First Man to Oppress, Inspire, and Make Sense of the World.
--I don’t know anyone who can match the high definition clarity of John Loftus when it comes to navigating the labyrinthine world of Christian evangelical apologetics for the general public. This is a relentless and incisive critique of the pseudo-scholarship that passes for genuine intellectual inquiry under the name of Christian apologetics.” —Dr. Hector Avalos, Professor of Religious Studies, Iowa State University; author, The End of Biblical Studies, Slavery, Abolitionism, and the Ethics of Biblical Scholarship, and his most recent one, The Bad Jesus: The Ethics of New Testament Ethics.
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